There are so many pieces of advice, hacks & routines out there for pimples, dry skin, tanning, blemishes – you name it! Some work, some are just myths! But among all of these there are quite a few skincare mistakes to avoid.
Sorry to burst your bubbles ladies – if you have been committing the below mentioned skincare mistakes and assuming that you’re doing the right thing then we are sorry but not sorry, you need to rethink! (Winks)
Your skin is like a tiny baby that needs a lot of love, care and dedicated time. Even the slightest skincare mistake can harm your face, because your face skin is the most delicate textured skin compared to the rest of your body and also the most exposed.
Let’s check out a few skincare mistakes that you must stop right now!
Applying sunscreen only during summers
Somehow this concept is followed by more people than we know. A sunscreen’s sole job isn’t just to protect you from tanning, hyperpigmentation or ageing. But it works towards something way more important like skin cancer that is caused by the harmful UV rays from the sun. Not only this, but your sunscreen also protects your skin from the harmful blue rays emitted by your digital devices. This ray does not only harm your skin, but it also aids in early ageing.
So, from now on make sure that you never skip to buy sunscreen no matter what weather or season it is. Never let the weather or season be a deciding factor for your sunscreen. It’s time to be your own sunscreen boss – wear it whenever you step out. Always remember that your sunscreen is your best skincare product for your face.
Picking and popping up zits
90% of you who are reading this right now are already guilty! Popping a zit could be really tempting but like you know, no level of temptation for anything like this could be ever good!
So, here’s what happens when you squeeze and pop your zit: the bacteria living in the zit will also spread to the pores around the zit and cause a breakout in the entire area. Not only this, popping a zit ruptures the skin, which will leave a permanent mark on your skin. While all this popping happens, the normal healing time of your zit will also increase, leaving your zit looking sore and at times it is painful too! So, stop right there and let it settle and heal by itself! And as a part of your night time skin care, use a product that has either aloe vera or green tea extract. These ingredients help in healing your skin.
Applying your eye crème in the wrong order
The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and hence, eye crèmes are usually extremely thin in texture. Therefore, if you’re applying your serum, and then your moisturiser and then your eye crème…then darling, you’re doing it the wrong way. Your eye crème won’t be able to push its way down to your skin around your eyes.
So, all you need to do is, apply your eye crème as your first step and then go on to apply your skin serum and moisturizer. If you’ve been making this mistake, then this is your answer to why your dark circles aren’t going away!
Your eye crème is also an important part of your makeup skincare. This helps in hydrating your under eyes and makes your makeup look flawless. Once your makeup skincare is done, you can then apply your foundation cream for a seamless finish.
Avoiding moisturizers for oily skin
Have you been avoiding moisturizers because you have a few active pimples and your skin feels oily? Well, guilty as charged!
Most of us have committed this skincare mistake, but it is so wrong for your skin. Oily and pimple prone skin also needs hydration and moisture. If you’re letting your skin dry out, then it’ll make your skin more irritated, prone to inflammation and eventually it’ll turn extremely sensitive. Hence, it is best that you choose the right product that will not only hydrate your skin but also gradually treat your pimples. This is one of the most common skincare mistakes that needs to be rectified at the earliest.
We suggest that you choose an Aloe Vera Gel that fights against acne and pimples while keeping your oily skin hydrated without making it feel oily or greasy.
Skincare routine before bed
There’s nothing better than doing your skincare routine at night before bed, but again there’s no bigger mistake if you’re doing your night time skincare right before bed and feeding all your awesome products to your pillow!
Once your day is over, it is the best time to do your night time skincare because your skin gets the time to rest, heal and soak in all the products and also, there’s no question of dust or pollution touching your face. But what you need to make sure of is that you need to do your night skincare routine an hour before you go to bed so that the products that you have applied don’t get wiped off on your pillow and waste both products & the entire routine.
Makeup removal
If you have been lazy and skipping on removing your makeup on a regular basis, then this is one of the biggest skincare mistakes you have been committing. Make sure you always remove your makeup no matter how tired you are. The best skincare products for the face, while removing makeup are a makeup remover and a face wash.
These two products will complete your double cleansing routine and get rid of all your makeup completely. This will also ensure that your skin is completely clean and free from any kind of makeup, dirt, and powder makeup like a compact powder. All these products need to be cleaned off completely once your day is over or else you will end up with pimples and breakouts in no time.
We don’t mean to make you feel guilty, but if you have been committing these mistakes then it’s time to stop and learn right now!