Are your products alcohol-free?

Are Your Products Truly Alcohol-Free? Here’s How to Know

A number of warnings on billboards, film slides, labels, etc. say that, “Consumption of Alcohol is injurious to health”, sadly none of them have warned saying, “Consuming Alcohol based products is also injurious to your skin”.

Please read labels

Alcohol is a great temporary solution but has long-lasting side effects. If you enter a cosmetic store, you are sure to find formulas loaded with alcohol i.e. SD alcohol, ethanol, denatured, isopropyl, methanol or ethyl alcohol. Don’t believe us? Please check the label the next time you go to one. Or you can also pick up your night cream or moisturizer for that matter (unless you have specifically bought an alcohol free product). Most brands in the market use alcohol as an ingredient in their products because these types often have a pleasing, quick-drying finish that feels weightless on skin, so it's easy to see their appeal. They have a different perspective of looking at it. – Of course, they want to sell a flawless product (which might not necessarily give you a flawless skin in the long run).

The previously mentioned various types of Alcohols act as preservatives and also help other ingredients enter your skin. – Doesn’t seem like much of a problem, right? Well…these same alcohols can cause dryness, irritation and breakouts. Now do you get it?

A no-no for skin

When high concentrations of these alcohols are used in skincare, your skin’s protective barrier gets deteriorated thus leading to inability of holding moisture. It also stimulates oil production which could lead to breakouts if your skin makes too much oil and it qualifies as oily skin. It may help other ingredients work, but it can be very damaging to the skin, especially if your skin texture is fairly dry. Remember how it burns when you spray deodorant on freshly waxed/shaved skin? *Alcohol Alert*

Alcohol has evaporating properties. With time, Alcohol also darkens your skin and dehydrates it.  But for a fact, it immediately harms the skin and starts a chain reaction of damage that continues long after it has evaporated.

Definitely a problem

You are sure to come across a lot of conflicting information on this topic. While some people might have had bad experiences due to this ingredient, some might strictly oppose it due to religious concerns. But even if you have not come across a side effect per say, alcohol as a main ingredient in any skin-care product is a problem.

If a cosmetic product being Halal is your concern, then you must definitely steer away from Ethyl Alcohol. This one’s absorbed through the skin which later passes through the flesh into the blood vessels and finally mixes with the blood and circulates throughout the body. As a small quantity of any intoxicant is ‘Haram’; therefore, all cosmetic products containing Ethyl Alcohol are prohibited. Other names given to synthetic Ethyl Alcohol are, Ethanol and Methylated Spirits.

‘Iba Cosmetics’ is Alcohol-Free!

Iba Cosmetics is India’s first Halal and Vegan cosmetics brand which provides assurance that each and every ingredient used in the products comes from Halal and Vegan origin and that all products are manufactured under strict hygienic and sanitary conditions. At Iba, you can find a wide range of halal-certified- Wudhu Friendly products that aren’t just limited to skincare but also for the entire body. From hair care to cosmetics, Iba will have all your beauty needs covered. Every product at Iba Cosmetics is Alcohol Free and ideal if you are looking to skip out on Alcohol altogether. Now you won’t have to go to 4-5 different stores just to hunt for an Alcohol Free MakeupFace Wash, Foundation, Nail colors or Creams . You can find all cosmetic and daily-use essentials right here at Iba Cosmetics. Happy shopping!