Top 6 Best anti-aging tips

Top 6 Best anti-aging tips

Wrinkles, fine lines, signs of aging! Nightmares for real! A big ouch for everyone out there who love their skin dearly! So, why cry when you can totally turn your night mares into sweet dreams! 

Let us check out the best anti-aging skin care tips for everyone… 

  1. Diet – eat right!

You are what you eat, and your face shows what you eat! This is a proven fact as your gut and digestive health will manifest externally! If you are someone who devours on spicy and oily food on a regular basis, then stop blaming your skincare products for not healing your acne and pimples. If you want to reverse your skin’s age, then it is time to add in lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and leafy greens for that natural flawless glow. The one thing that you must absolutely add in to your diet is fresh coconut water every single day. This will not only hydrate your system, but it also contains a lot of vitamins and lots of natural electrolytes that refresh your body and is extremely great for your skin. 

  1. Hydration – drink up!

Water! The magical elixir that sorts out any health and skin problems. A minimum of 4 liters of water is the best anti-aging secret ever. If you are noticing untimely pimples or wrinkles, it is time to increase your water intake. Water therapy is a real thing, the more you drink water and fresh fruit juices in your routine for beautiful glowing skin. Hydration keeps your skin supple and keep dry skin at bay. 

  1. Skincare – a must!

Now this one is absolutely important! Following a good skincare regime on a daily basis is extremely important because this is exactly what your skin needs. For anti-aging needs you must pick your products wisely. Make sure your products include ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, collagen boosters. Don’t worry girl! We have got you sorted with the best anti-aging products ever. 

We are talking about the Iba Say Hello to Glowing Skin skincare combo. This combo includes three amazing beauty products like – a facewash, a face serum and a moisturizer. The Vitamin C Facewash is infused with hyaluronic acid and bright pearls that gently exfoliate the skin and cleanses it deeply without drying the skin. The serum is infused is with Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and chamomile extracts that deeply hydrates your skin instantly. The best part about this serum is that it is water based and gets soaked into the skin deeply and instantly. The third product in this combo is the Skin Brightening Day Crème that is infused with SPF30. This moisturizer helps in making your skin glow, fight against pigmentation and also protects against sun protection. All in all, this this entire anti-aging combo from Iba is a treasure box for you!

  1. Cleansing – clean up!

Anti-ageing is incomplete without this simple, yet often overlooked or hurriedly done activity – cleansing your skin well. It does not matter if you wear make up on a daily basis or not, even pollution, dirt and grime tend to stick on your face. This needs to be cleansed thoroughly at the end of the day to get rid of all the unwanted elements stuck on your skin. If you are not cleansing your skin properly, it will tend to block your pores and act like an invitation to pimple and acne which will only worsen your skin ageing. Make sure you cleanse your skin at least twice a day if you have normal skin, and thrice a day is okay if you have oily skin. 

  1. Start early!

The secret to maintaining youthful skin is by starting your anti-ageing skin care routine at an early age. It is a major myth when people say that you should start your anti-ageing skincare routine by the time you turn 30. But the truth is that you should start your anti-ageing skincare routine at least by the time you have turned 24 to 26. This is the best time to preserve your beautiful youthful skin. The earlier you start the better it is. 

  1. Go a little extra!

When we are talking about the best anti-ageing skin care tips, it is always great to go a little extra. By extra we mean that, you can take on a few salon trips and pamper your skin the way it deserves. You can opt for a minimum of one and a maximum of two salon trips a month that includes a cleanup and anti-ageing facial that suits your skin types. This will ensure that your skin is getting all the missing treatment and ingredients that your skincare regime might not have. Above all nothing feels better and more relaxing than a good facial finished off with a nice massage. 

No matter what anti-ageing products you are using, make sure you use it religiously on a daily basis for best results. The secret to beautiful and youthful skin is by continuing using the same product for at least three months to see complete results. If the results are suiting you then make sure you continue using it. Above all be happy and smile a lot, nothing works more miraculously then a happy smile.

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