5 Natural DIYs to remove dark circles

5 Natural DIY Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Dark circles! There’s just no beginning to these nasty little devils. They come uninvited and they seem to live on forever!

Agreed that they look super cute on pandas and come on they don’t really have a choice now, do they? But you have a choice. Infact you have quite a few choices right in your kitchen to fight away these nasty little dark devils under your eyes.

Let’s check out the top 5 best ones!

#1 Massage

Massage could seem overrated but that’s one solution to a zillion problems when done in the right way. For dark circles, take some coconut oil and gently massage around your eyes. Leave it on for an hour and make sure you do this daily. You can also follow it up with Iba’s Advanced Activs Youth Preserve Triple Effect Eye Crème that further helps reduce the puffiness and brightens your eyes. It contains eye-soothing Chamomile Flower extract & Aloe Vera Juice along with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and Fruit Age Complex to help reduce those nasty dark circles.

#2 Eye Pack

This one can be frozen and stored up to 3 months! No hassle...no dark spots!

Take 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coconut

½ teaspoon of lemon juice

2 teaspoon of grated cucumber

1 teaspoon of coconut milk

Mix all the ingredients together and freeze into ice cubes. Whenever you need, you can defrost them and soak it into cotton pads and use as a cooling eye pack. Leave it on for a minimum 20 mins before washing off with cold water.

#3 Eye Toner

The ingredient that we’re about to mention is that one ingredient that you can never go wrong with...tomatoes it is! Tomatoes are regarded as one the best ingredients that helps in exfoliating.  It’s a super hero when it comes to beauty regimes. So for this one you need to mix 2 tablespoons of fresh tomato puree and 1tea spoon of fresh lemon juice. Use this mixture as a toner and massage around your eyes and leave it on for 20mins.

Once you’re done, wash it off with cold rose water. Do this at least once in two days.

#4 Grated Raw Potatoes

Potatoes...known as natural bleaching when it comes to beauty secrets. Take some raw grated potatoes and place them on your eyes like a pack. Potatoes tend to have lightening effects that has been proven to work well with dark circles. Try it for yourself!

#5 Herbal Teas

Love green tea or that soothing herbal tea? Awesome! So the next time you sip on your cuppa, make sure you don’t throw away those tea bags. Keep away your used tea bags in the refrigerator and use them as cold eye packs.

They really work like wonders. Just another heads up – Chamomile tea bags seem to work best when it comes to chilled eye packs. They’re even proven to lighten the dark circles dramatically.

There you go! We have given you a handful of hacks to deal with your dark circle worries! Now go play!